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Interview with Christian Hauth

Interview with Christian Hauth, Co-founder and Head of customer experience & marketing at siroop, a Swiss online shop

We wanted to know from Christian Hauth in a personal conversation how he sees retail in transition.


Source: Ch. Hauth

What are the megatrends in the retail trade?

Clearly digitization and all the trends that follow from it, such as online trading. In the very near future, it will be possible to guarantee "same day deliveries" for most product pallets, then the proportion of purchases made online will increase again strongly. In addition, advances in the field of machine learning will bring further acceleration to the market.

In the past, the retail trade was a pure "push market" in which suppliers marketed a product about which the customers knew little or nothing. Nowadays, we are in a "push market" in which highly informed consumers choose exactly the product that optimally meets their individual needs.

How do you envision the future of retail?

In the future, there will be no distinction between online and offline, these worlds are merging continuously. In the future, gadgets will be internalized even further as a constant companion, whether through glasses, contact lenses or an implanted chip. That is why a large part of the stationary trade as we know it today will disappear. It may make sense for some brands to present themselves through showrooms at important locations.


Which types of brick-and-mortar retail are most affected by this trend?

Shopping centers create a place where customers can access different products as quickly as possible and make their purchases efficiently. "On demand" options and the possibility of having access to an even larger assortment from home make shopping centers obsolete. Brick-and-mortar retail is generally being replaced more and more by offering services.

The growing online trade leads to more delivery traffic. Source: STEZ

In this scenario, logistics will be a core challenge. How can you imagine them in the future?

It is difficult to say which logistics systems will prevail in the longer term. Be it distribution by drones, a decentralized system with pick-up stations where customers can pick up their ordered goods or other approaches can prove to be optimal. "sous terrain" solutions can also be a way to overcome greater distances. What is certain is that part of the logistics will run autonomously. This will lead to new regulatory challenges.


Which players will prevail in online trading in Switzerland?

Sooner or later, three to four players will take up the lion's share of online trading and at least one of them will be foreign. At the moment, we are in a rapidly changing time. Those who are now able to establish themselves in the customer's purchase routine have a long-term chance of survival.

What does all this mean in concrete terms for the city of Zurich?

Zurich has the advantage of an excellent public transport system. What will happen in my opinion is that certain services will go back to the districts, as this structure offers customers the highest "convenience".

What measures would you take to make the city of Zurich fit for structural change?

In a rapidly changing market, such as online trading, two things are missing: On the one hand, an attractive investor environment whose players have the willingness to invest in new markets. On the other hand, the access and general availability of good specialists.

The development of (further) training opportunities for positions for which it is currently difficult to find the necessary personnel could effectively counteract this. This should be done at all levels of the education system. As far as the investor environment is concerned, this year's establishment of the Foundation for Young Enterprises, which is monitored by the federal government and which generates half a billion in investment volume, marks a good start. However, further initiatives are needed to ensure that the local economy remains internationally competitive and attractive for young talents.

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