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Quality assurance

What does quality mean in language promotion? How can it be measured? The experts in the promotion of integration have developed instruments and methods for meaningful quality management. 

Quality in education can be measured primarily by learning success. This in turn is determined by numerous factors: social and organizational framework conditions, the competence of the teachers and the prerequisites of the learners themselves.
Not all of these factors can be influenced by quality assurance measures by providers or financiers. However, where it is possible within the framework of state-funded language courses, measures and instruments are used sensibly.The  experts in the promotion of integration have developed a quality management system to check and ensure quality.  

The quality assurance measures for the subsidised area of "German as a second language" have been systematised and materialised by the Promotion of Integration. In a separate appendix , among other things , instruments are presented by means of which data necessary for quality assurance can be collected. 

German support by volunteers in the refugee sector

How can laypeople help refugees with their first access to the German language without imitating lessons? Hans-Jürgen Krumm (em. Univ.-Prof. Wien) provides valuable information in a guide.

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