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Reducing waste to protect our environment

A lot of waste is produced in the city of Zurich – around 312 kilograms of household waste per person per year. If you include industrial and construction waste, the figure is around 700 kilograms per person per year. Help us to produce less waste. This way we can conserve our resources and protect the environment. You’ll find some information and tips here.

Circular economy is the key

We live in a throw-away society. The reason for this lies in the linear economic model: raw materials are mined to produce goods. These goods are used and then disposed of. The result is shortages of raw materials, emissions, large quantities of waste and environmental pollution. Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich (ERZ) is committed to a sustainable future. To keep the earth in balance, we need to switch to a circular economy. In this model, goods and materials remain in use for as long as possible. We can achieve this by sharing, passing on, repairing, upcycling and recycling objects.

Circular economy in Zurich

We live in a throw-away society. To make Zurich a sustainable city, we need to switch to a circular economy. We can achieve this by sharing, passing on, repairing, upcycling and recycling objects. Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich is committed to doing so.

How can you reduce waste?

Our top five tips to reduce waste and promote a circular economy:

  • Use products for as long as possible. It’s worthwhile to pay attention to quality, longevity and timelessness when buying new items. This is easier on the wallet in the medium term as well.
  • Do you no longer need an item, but it’s still functional? Give it away, put it on a public exchange shelf, post it on an online platform, sell it at a flea market or take it to a scrap store or second-hand shop. As of recently, you can also hand in items that are in good condition and good working order to our Cargo-Tram and E-Tram exchange point or take others with you for free. Someone else will be glad to have them.
  • This previous point also applies in reverse: do you need something? Then buy the desired product second-hand. You can often find real treasures and items in mint condition. You’ll also save money in the process.
  • As the saying goes, ‘sharing is caring’. Some items we only need occasionally – such as drills and high-pressure cleaners. Ask your neighbours, friends or family if you can borrow the item. Sharing platforms also offer lending services.
  • Defective items can often be repaired. Ask at a repair shop or do it yourself at a repair café.

How do you dispose of materials correctly?

Many materials can be recycled and used to manufacture new products. Help us by disposing of them correctly. ERZ strives to close as many material cycles as possible. That is why we are collecting more and more materials to be recycled. This way we can recover valuable raw materials.

Here you will find an overview of what you can dispose of and where.

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