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Rapid assistance & emergencies

When all else fails, the ability to consult healthcare professionals quickly is helpful.


Where can I obtain rapid assistance and advice?

Call the following numbers to obtain 24/7 support over the phone on the subject of palliative care or help in medical emergencies:

Pallifon Tel. 0844 148 148

Pallifon is intended for use by palliative patients, their relatives or carers. Advice over the phone is free of charge and available round the clock. 

Ärztefon Tel. 0800 33 66 55

Ärztefon offers free advice 365 days a year on non-life-threatening medical emergencies. 

Medical emergencies Tel. 144

In a life-threatening situation, the emergency ambulance service should be contacted immediately!

Emergency plan

An existing emergency plan (Notfallplan) makes it easier to obtain direct help over the phone. The emergency plan regulates the approach in the event of a deterioration in health or in an emergency situation. It usually relates to a specific illness (e.g. pulmonary disease). 

An emergency plan enables foreseeable complications to be discussed with the patient and their relatives and corresponding measures to be determined. The patient should keep the emergency plan in an emergency box together with their medicines. 

What is included in an emergency plan?

  • Emergency numbers of people who must be contacted in an emergency situation
  • Illness, treatment and list of medicines
  • Definition of emergency situations and their measures and treatment
  • Desired resuscitation status 

Where can I obtain help with drawing up an emergency plan?

GPs, community nurses and various hospitals can offer help and advice on drawing up an emergency plan.

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