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January 2012

Living and housing situation of older people in the city of Zurich

Special evaluation of the population survey 2011 (and time comparisons up to 1999)
January 2012

Living and housing situation of older people in the city of Zurich

Special evaluation of the population survey 2011 (and time comparisons up to 1999)

The study focuses on the older population group and their living and living situation in the city of Zurich. How satisfied are the elderly with their living situation? How safe do they feel in the respective residential district? How are the changes experienced and assessed there? And how strongly and in what form are older people networked?

First of all, "age" does not exist. Older people differ greatly not only in physical and mental conditions, but above all in their lifestyles and material needs and possibilities. The detailed results show this heterogeneity in old age.The evaluations by the Center for Gerontology of the University of Zurich are used as a basis for the ageing strategy of the city of Zurich.