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February 2017

Social space monitoring 2017

The districts of the city of Zurich in comparison
Title page of the report on social space monitoring
February 2017

Social space monitoring 2017

The districts of the city of Zurich in comparison

The quarters of the city of Zurich all have their own peculiarities and their independent character, shaped by the history of origin and depending on their location in the city and the buildings. The constant and diverse change of the city is reflected in each of the 34 districts in a different way. The social space monitoring shows the characters and developments of the districts on the basis of a compilation of socially relevant indicators that are spatially represented (92 maps in 27 subject areas).

The focus is on the socio-spatial aspects of urban and neighbourhood development; first and foremost, these are demographic and socio-economic issues. However, aspects such as the provision of neighbourhoods with social and socio-cultural facilities or with goods and services for daily needs are also dealt with. In addition to objective statistical data, subjective assessments from the biennial population survey of the city of Zurich are also taken into account. With a few exceptions, the data status is the year 2015. Where possible, comparison maps are used to look back ten years and ten years ahead.

The report is primarily a basis for the city administration. However, it can be of interest to all those who are concerned with the development of the city of Zurich and its districts.