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March 2007

District Development Process Future Center Oerlikon

At the beginning of 2003, Zurich Urban Development initiated a broad-based process on the future of the Oerlikon Centre as part of the city council's legislative priority "Impulses for Zurich North" (2002-2006): Between 40 and 60 representatives of retailers, landowners, businesses, neighbourhood institutions and other interested parties from the district and the city administration actively and with the greatest commitment committed themselves to strengthening the Oerlikon Centre.
March 2007

District Development Process Future Center Oerlikon

At the beginning of 2003, Zurich Urban Development initiated a broad-based process on the future of the Oerlikon Centre as part of the city council's legislative priority "Impulses for Zurich North" (2002-2006): Between 40 and 60 representatives of retailers, landowners, businesses, neighbourhood institutions and other interested parties from the district and the city administration actively and with the greatest commitment committed themselves to strengthening the Oerlikon Centre.

The goal of strengthening the Oerlikon center as the most important urban center next to the city has come a lot closer: The Oerlikon marketplace was made more attractive and permeable in 2007 with new benches and lamps, the world market has attracted many visitors to the marketplace every year since 2006, the location marketing Oerlikon was founded and has set itself ambitious projects, In the echo room station planning, an exchange on the key projects between the civil engineering office and interested Oerlikern took place and the question of a possible parking garage merger to increase the attractiveness of the footpath relationships was discussed at various levels. In addition to these activities, representatives of the district were directly involved in a wide variety of projects from the design of the station square to the wayfinding system for Oerlikon in order to contribute their opinions to accompanying committees.

After almost four years of district development process Zukunft Zentrum Oerlikon, a summary of what had been achieved was drawn in March 2007 . The results report documents the work and results of the district development process.