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Apartment provider: House rules

Multilingual house rules

A survey of cooperatives by Stadtentwicklung Zürich showed that the coexistence of different nationalities and age groups is an important issue for many housing providers.
Together with the major housing providers in the city of Zurich, integration promotion and urban and neighbourhood development therefore launched an easy-to-understand poster with 10 multilingual house rules.

Hello neighbor, hello neighbor

Living together under one roof is demanding and regulated by house rules, which are often difficult to read and sometimes only insufficiently observed. This repeatedly leads to misunderstandings and avoidable conflicts.
That is why many apartment providers in the city of Zurich "Hallo Nachbarin - Hallo Nachbarin" inform their tenants about the most important house rules with a poster newly adapted to Zurich conditions. The starting circulation amounts to 32,000 copies. Thanks to the specially created pictograms and the translations into 10 languages, they will be understandable for the entire resident population: integration takes place in everyday life and is reflected in a good coexistence.


Gesellschaft und Raum

Alex Martinovits, Tel. 044 412 36 90
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Remo Blumenthal, Tel. 044 412 37 24
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