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Zurich meets New York 2014

The festival series "Zürich meets" kicked off in New York in 2014, with a two-week cultural programme dedicated entirely to Dadaism: the Collegium Novum interpreted surrealist silent films from the 1920s, the exhibition "Dada in nuce" from the Cabaret Voltaire and films by Klaus Lutz showed the explosive power of the movement, and artists from New York and Zurich organised a performative Dada Ball. 
The festival programme also offered insights into Zurich's cutting-edge science. Rolf Pfeifer and Ernst Fehr, professors at the University of Zurich, discussed their globally acclaimed work on artificial intelligence and neuroeconomics. In a lecture on "Cognitive Computing", Professor Lino Guzzella from ETH Zurich explained what it means when computers start thinking for themselves, and the think tank W.I.R.E together with the New Museum conducted speed datings on the future of the city.

Website «Zurich meets New York»

Zurich meets New York 2014
Zurich meets New York 2014
<p>Impressions from the Festival Zürich meets New York: Cover Bild, Dada Bomb, Aughterlony/Hays Tanz Performance, Dieter Meier Out of Chaos, Elisabeth Bronfen Inventing the Night, WIRE Anlass im Modern Museum, Politischer Austausch Zürich New York<br> </p>

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